Prayer for the Graduates: Rev. Mark A. Hricko

God of grace, refuge and strength in times of trouble, and bringer of peace which the world cannot give, you are the source of wisdom as well as knowledge.  We thank you for Concordia College and for those who graduate today, having been equipped and blessed by its teaching ministry.  For professors, staff members, and administrators, classmates, fellow travelers, and friends through whom we knew your goodness, we bless your name, and we ask that you watch over those who with the countless gifts you have given them, have reached this milestone in a season of great challenge and great opportunity, that they may go forward with the wisdom that comes from above and know that as they go, your hand is leading them and your love is supporting them.

Grant that in this time of word-wide illness, they may be agents of your healing, renewing, comforting, and life giving presence.  In a nation of distrust and division, make them unifying forces of grace and truth for your glory and the good of the whole human family.  And as they take their places in the astonishing variety of races and cultures you have created in your image and with which you mean to bless and strengthen us all, use them to build bridges, remove barriers, and create ever widening circles of relationship, faith, fellowship, and love, until our knowledge of your love is made perfect in our love for one another.  And by your power make your love go viral in and through us all.  Give them patience and fulfillment, O God, as they seek to fulfill your calling in their vocations.  Bless their parents, teachers, families, and friends. Protect them, love them, use their intellect and their spirit for your purposes.  Guide their hearts and minds, and make this unique moment of commencement into the world a joyful sign of hope.

We ask all this with all the prayers of our hearts in this moment, in the Spirit of Jesus, our teacher, Lord, Redeemer, source of wisdom, and prince of peace, to whom be honor and glory forever.  Amen.