In 1881, the year Concordia College came into being, the young poet Arthur O’Shaughnessy’s life ended. 

But he left to us a poem filled with the power of a young person’s hopefulness in the face of challenges and loneliness. 

“We are the music-makers, 

And we are the dreamers of dreams, 

Wandering by lone sea-breakers, 

And sitting by desolate streams; 


Yet we are the movers and shakers 

Of the world for ever it seems.  

In the midst of this dark December, it can sometimes seem as if the music has died…as if our dreams have crumbled to dust 

even as we celebrate your hard-won achievement today.  

This is not what we expected, not what we imagined.  “Sitting by desolate streams”—as the poet says; studying alone in our rooms;  

missing friends and family, deferring our dreams of independence longer than we had hoped.    

And yet, the words of the poet reflect a truth; a truth you know in your heart; a truth that no one can take from you: 

you are the movers and shakers of the world. 

In a year that has tested faith with incalculable loss, suffering and need, our Concordia values give us strength. 

The faithfulness to the Concordia Cares Covenant shown by you, our faculty and our staff inspire us beyond measure. 

Our faith-founded, faith-grounded institution has taught us that even a little bit of God’s good news goes a long way. 

But we have far more than a little good news to celebrate today: 

Concordia College Graduates: You have passion. You have purpose. You will give your service to a world and a future that need you.  

In this season of light, follow your star! Make your music! Move and shake the world with your dreams and your vocation and your love and your good works!  

Use your unique experience as you will use your excellent education! You’ve seen more. You’ve thought more. You’ve grown more. You have a deeper understanding of the value of human connection…and of living God’s purpose with the time you’ve been given.   

Concordia College New York graduates, you inspire the hope and love and righteous action of Jesus Christ in all who see you. 

Let that hope shine in your own hearts, too. For you – the makers of music, for you – the dreamers of dreams, for you – the movers and shakers, I offer powerful words from Saint Paul, who faced his own challenges and tumultuous times: 

 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”